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Is Jumping Spider a Good Pet?

They may not be as common as tarantulas, but jumping spiders have become popular pets over the years. It may have something to do with their more manageable size and less scary appearance. But, is it a good idea to house jumping spiders? We’re here to let you know! 

Jumping spiders can make excellent pets because they are easy to take care of, for the most part. Yet, you must know that they don’t live for longer than three years. Thus, they may not be the best option if you’re looking for a lifelong pet.

Still, there are many things to consider before you decide to get one of these tiny arachnids. Join us as we go through everything there is to know about Jumping Spiders!

Is A Jumping Spider A Good Pet Spider?
Is A Jumping Spider A Good Pet Spider?

Are Jumping Spiders a Good Pet Option?

As we said before, jumping spiders can be good pets because they don’t need much to be healthy. Whether you have experience with spiders are not, you could still house one of them. Yet, there are some requirements you must meet, including:


A jumping spider doesn’t need much space. After all, the biggest ones are around 25 millimeters, so a small glass or plastic container will do. You only need to make sure there’s enough vertical for them to jump, so a terrarium that is a cubic foot big will do.

The terrarium or container must have small holes for ventilation. Yet, make sure the spider can’t escape through them. If they can get out, it will be hard to catch them because of their size, speed, and ability to jump 20 times their length.

Also, although a container that looks like their habitat looks good, it’s not necessary. Jumping spiders spend very little time on the ground, so the substrate is not mandatory. Paper napkins are enough, AND you will save a lot of money buying these.

Add some sticks and branches for your spider to climb and jump around.

The only thing you need to remember is not to leave the container in the sun. Place it near a window for lighting and heat, but avoid direct sun rays, so your spider doesn’t burn.

Jumping Spiders Are Great Pet Spiders
Jumping Spiders Are Great Pet Spiders


One of the main advantages of having a jumping spider as a pet is that they eat insects you can find in your house. You can feed them small crickets, worm, flies, mosquitoes, and moths. As long as the prey is alive and not more prominent than the spider, it’ll provide enough nutrition for your pet. 

Now, if you’re worried about how often you’ll have to feed a jumping spider, have no fear. Giving it an insect every 2 or 3 days will keep it happy and alive.

But, if the spider doesn’t eat the insect in 24 hours, remove the prey. Leaving living insects in the terrarium may end up hurting your spider.

Keeping a jumping spider hydrated is also very easy since they don’t even need a water dish. Misting the container’s sides with water once or twice a week creates enough humidity. But please be careful not to spray water on the spider; it could drown.

So, as you can see, it is not that hard to have a pet jumping spider. But there are also things some people may consider “cons” of having one of these tiny arachnids.

For starters, they don’t live for long. The lifespan of jumping spiders is around six months and three years, both in captivity and in the wild. Thus, they may not be suitable for people who are looking for long-term pets.

Likewise, although they are friendlier than most spiders, handling them requires practice. Why? Because they are so small that the possibility of accidents is always there. You may be trying to play with them and end up hurting them.

A jumping spider out of its container is also likely to escape. Considering how much these spiders can jump, how fast and small they are, you’ll need tons of luck to catch them.

If you’ve gotten to this point and still want to have a jumping spider, but have some questions left to ask, don’t panic. Keep on reading as we answer the most common questions about these species.

Jumping Spiders Are Good Pet Spiders Because Theyre Cute And Small
Jumping Spiders Are Good Pet Spiders Because Theyre Cute And Small

Frequently Asked Questions About Jumping Spiders

Can I Have Several Jumping Spiders in the Same Container?

Most arachnids are very territorial, and jumping spiders are no exception. Thus, you would have to have each one in a different container. Otherwise, there could be a bloodbath.   

You can only break this rule during mating season, in which you can have a male and a female spider together. Once the mating is over, separate them. There’s a risk of the female killing the male. 

Which brings us to the next question:

When’s a Jumping Spider’s Mating Season?

It depends on the species. The Peacock Spider, for example, is from Australia. As such, its mating season is during the Australian spring, from August to December.

Do All Jumping Spiders Have the Same Mating Call?

All male jumping spiders dance to impress the ladies during the mating season. But the moves vary according to species and even within members of one species. Every jumping spider is unique!

Do Female Jumping Spiders Kill the Male That Don’t Impress Them During Mating Season?

This statement’s true to some jumping spider species, which, again, includes Peacock Spiders. There are so many males trying to impress the females that they can afford to kill the ones they don’t like. Ouch! 

Does a Jumping Spider Ever Attack Humans?

Jumping Spiders are among the friendliest arachnids. Like most spiders, they will only “attack” humans in self-defense. They will only bite you if they get nervous while you try to pet them or if they sense danger.

But, even if they bite, their jaws and teeth are so small that they can’t break through your skin. It’s improbable that you’ll feel any pain.

What could complicate things would be an allergic reaction. If that’s the case, please, call a doctor right away!

Are Jumping Spiders Venomous?

Like all spiders, jumping spiders produce venom, but it does not affect humans. But, again, if you happen to be allergic, there’s a danger of complications. As such, we would recommend you to contact a doctor as well.

Can I Pet a Jumping Spider?

Yes and no. As we said before, jumping spiders are very friendly and unlikely to hurt humans, which means you can try. But they are also so small and fragile that you could end up killing them. 

You’ll have to be as careful as possible to handle your jumping spider without causing it any harm. So, the spider may be better for observation, safe in its container. 

There’s also always the risk of the spider escaping while you try to pet it. We would ask you to reduce the handling as much as you can.

How Do Jumping Spiders Attack Their Prey?

Jumping spiders are among the kind of arachnids that do not produce any webs. Instead, they haunt their prey by following it and then jumping on it fast when they see the opportunity. 

They are often compared to animals like cats because of this pouncing technique. They move almost in silence and then attack with all their strength.     

Where’s the Natural Habitat of Jumping Spiders?   

There are jumping spiders all over the world, in all kinds of environments. Most species come from tropical forests, but some live in deserts and mountain areas, to name only a few.

Likewise, some jumping spiders can change habitats throughout their short life. Meanwhile, others stay in the same area until they die.

Do Jumping Spiders Get Along With Other Pets?

Like all spiders and cold-blooded pets, jumping spiders do not mix well with common house pets. On the one hand, they will see your dog or cat as a predator and run from them. 

On the other, your “big pet” may try to kill it and harm it, or the spider could bite the dog/cat. 

Either way, keeping other pets and jumping spiders apart is the best option. So, please don’t take the spider out of its container when your dog or cat is around.

Pew York

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